Teaming up with your Product Owner

running a sprint blog - Temp ScrumMastered 2024

Are you a Scrum Master? Then the Product Owner is your best friend. Are you a Product Owner? Well, then the Scrum Master is your best friend! It might seem a bit dramatic, but if you take it that way your Scrum Team is only going to benefit from it. Watch this video (or keep […]

5 Lessons I learned from being a Product Owner of ScrumMastered

LESSONS THUMBNAIL - Temp ScrumMastered 2024

Most of the topics I cover I directly related to the role of the Scrum Master. However, as a business owner, I have also been playing the role of the Product Owner for ScrumMastered. As a Scrum Master you should support your Product Owner (PO), same as you support Developers. So knowing a bit more […]

🎥 Is your Product Owner secretly a Project Manager?

Product Owner or Project Manager

There are three roles in a Scrum Team as we know. However, without the Product Owner there is no team. The Product Owner is there to translate the needs of the market into a Product and deliver value to customers. Or at least that is what the Scrum Guide tells us about the role – […]

Answering your questions: Understand product, scope and goals

Scrum Questions: Understand product, scope, goals

As part of the previous Lean Coffee sessions we’ve answered many questions about the role of a Scrum Master and addressed some challenges together. But we were not able to get through all of the questions, just because there were so many. To remedy the situation, I have decided to answer some of the questions […]

Coaching Product Owners

Coaching Product Owners - Virtual Lean Coffee Discussion

Let’s continue the discussion in part two on this virtual Lean Coffee recording. This time we discuss how a Scrum Master should be coaching Product Owners and team leads. Did you miss the last video? Watch part 1 of virtual lean coffee to learn how to facilitate one yourself. Last time we have set up […]