How to run your first Sprint ever

running a sprint blog - Temp ScrumMastered 2024

How exactly do you start with Sprints as a new team? What should you do as a Scrum Master or Team Lead to get it going? Watch the video to find out the practical side of how to run Sprints in Scrum.

What is Scrum in Agile? 🤔

What is Scrum in Agile

We hear the terms Scrum and Agile alongside each other all the time. They don’t really mean the same, even if sometimes they are used interchangeably (they shouldn’t 🤫). Let’s explore what Scrum is, what Agile is, and what Scrum in Agile is. To set the things straight right away and give you simple differentiation […]

Scrum Master certifications: How to pass PSM I, PSM II and PSM III

Professional Scrum Certification preparation

If you are looking to become a Scrum Master, your first step would most likely be getting one of the Scrum certifications. As a Professional Scrum Trainer with I passed all three levels of the PSM assessments, and I’d like to give you some tips on how to do the same. My focus will […]

Not “Done”

NOT DONE blog - Temp ScrumMastered 2024

Sometimes your team might not be able to get something “Done” by the end of the Sprint. What do you do then? You might have some questions about how to manage this situation and what best practices you should follow. Questions you might have There are a few questions I usually hear when the team […]

Scrum Master on Rotation: Is It a Good Idea?

Scrum Master role is as essential as Product Owner’s or Developers’. However, your organization might not be able to hire a full-time Scrum Master right now, either due to low budgets, difficulty of finding the right candidate, or maybe even internal politics. What can you do to manage this situation effectively and support the implementation […]

14 Scrum Questions Answered [July 2021]

14 Scrum Questions Answered

A quick recap of the live event we had yesterday, July 28th. If you were not able to join, here is a recording of the answers. Unfortunately, I was not able to save the video, therefore, it’s an audio only recording. I will be holding another live session next month. If you want to be […]

Scrum Rules Are There For A Reason

Scrum Rules_ScrumMastered

*Blog post originally posted on Scrum.Org It’s interesting how we sometimes accept some rules without questioning them at all, and how some other times we try to bend them to suit our needs. While it is our choice to do so, we often know what the consequences of our choices are. It might not be […]

The Extent of Transparency Required by Scrum [VIDEO]

Transparency in the context of Scrum

I believe the concept of transparency is largely misunderstood by people staring to implement Scrum. In this video, filmed specifically for Scrum Tapas series, I’m talking about what it really means to have transparency in the context of Scrum. The Scrum Guide’s definition of transparency is “Significant aspects of the process must be visible […]

Becoming Professional Scrum Trainer: Why and How

Daria Bagina Running a Professional Scrum Master Class - Temp ScrumMastered 2024

A lot had happened in 2019 like the Retrospective Poker becoming a standalone product and ScrumMastered growing to be a registered company. And, of course, one of the bigger end-of-year achievements was obtaining my Professional Scrum Trainer license with Because it was such a long journey to get there that many of you wanted […]

Introduction to Scrum Training Step-by-Step + 📄

Introduction to Scrum Training Video with Instructions

So you’ve joined a new team, or maybe a new company as a Scrum Master. Now what? We know that one of your primary responsibilities is to teach Scrum values, principles and rules. And if it the first time for you, you might be wondering how to go about it.  In my first two years […]